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List of Shakespeare Productions

Montage of play prorgramsI'm an opportunist. I don't care about the play's title or who is in it; if I have an affordable opportunity to see Shakespeare, I do so. If we're on vacation and discover some Shakespeare at the destination or en route, we order tickets.

With that in mind, this list is revealing in two ways. One, it represents through my experience what titles tend to be most often produced over the past 30 years.

Two, it proves to be a treasure of Hollywood who's who, most of whom were “who?” back when. Certainly, some actors were already headlining stars when I saw them in London (Vanessa Redgrave, Timothy Dalton) or in the United States (Lynn Redgrave, Al Pacino). Many more were my favorite stage actors in England but largely unrecognized outside the theaters. Long before they became internationally known as Lord Voldemort, Snape, Captain Picard, Ghandi, Dr. Octopus, Kenneth Branagh, and Judi Dench, they first impressed me as Romeo, Jaques, Enobarbus, Ford, Hastings, Petruchio, Navarre, and Judi Dench.

Keys to this list: Sarah and I have kept most of our tickets, so most productions going back to 1990 are listed with specific dates (some theaters don't date their tickets). The listed productions from the 1980s don't always have specific dates because I could rely only on playbills and programs (my parents kept some of the tickets of plays they attended with me). As for the 1970s, the only programs I have are those plays I attended with my parents in England; the rest are memories.

For the casts, I list only the principals, but include lesser roles when their portrayals were particularly memorable.

Eric Minton

Click on the play title to see the productions. Productions since 2009 are further described in the On Stage section of this website.

All's Well That End's Well

Antony and Cleopatra

Arden of Faversham

As You Like It

Cardenio (aka Double Falsehood)

The Comedy of Errors



Edward III


Henry IV, Part 1

Henry IV, Part 2

[The Most Lamentable Comedy of Sir John Falstaff]

[The Mistorical Hystery of Henry (I)V]

Henry V

Henry VI, Part 1

Henry VI, Part 2

Henry VI, Part 3

Henry VI [conflation]

Henry VIII

Julius Caesar

King John

King Lear

Love's Labour's Lost


Measure for Measure

The Merchant of Venice

The Merry Wives of Windsor

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Much Ado about Nothing



Richard II

Richard III

Romeo and Juliet

The Spanish Tragedy

The Taming of the Shrew

The Tempest

Timon of Athens

Titus Andronicus

Troilus and Cressida

Twelfth Night

The Two Gentlemen of Verona

The Two Noble Kinsmen

The Winter's Tale

The Sonnets

The Rape of Lucrece

Venus and Adonis


  1. Rachel and Juliet by Lynn Redgrave
    Folger Theatre, Washington, D.C., April 12, 2009
  2. A Knight in Harmon Hall by Ian McKellen
    Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington, D.C., Oct. 29, 2009
  3. Being Shakespeare by Jonathan Bate
    Starring Simon Callow. Ambassador Theatre Group, BAM, Brooklyn, N.Y., April 7, 2012
  4. In Acting Shakespeare by James DeVita
    The Pearl Theatre Company, New York, N.Y., January 19, 2013
  5. I, Malvolio by Tim Crouch
    The New Victory Theater, New York, N.Y., January 19, 2013
  6. Hamlet, Prince of Grief by Mohammad Charmshir
    Afshin Hashemi, The Public, New York, N.Y., January 20, 2013
  7. Women of Will by Tina Packer
    Tina Paker, Nigel Gore, The Gym at Judson, New York, N.Y., February 16, 2013
  8. Return to the Forbidden Planet by Bob Carlton
    American Shakespeare Center, Blackfriars Playhouse, Staunton, Va., June 29, 2013. Directed by Jim Warren: Dylan Paul (Captain Tempest), René Thornton Jr. (Prospero), Emily Brown (Miranda), John Harrell (Arial), Gregory Jon Phelps (Cookie), Chris Johnston (Lt. Hotlix McShredalot, music director).
  9. I, Peaseblossom by Tim Crouch
    Park Avenue Armory, New York, N.Y., November 3, 2013
  10. And To The Republic—The Roman Plays Reconstructed adapted by Geordie Broadwater
    The Guerrilla Shakespeare Project, Workshop Theatre, New York, N.Y., June 7, 2014. Directed by Geordie Broadwater: Tiffany Baker (Cleopatra), Jordan Kaplan (Octavius), Madeleine Maby (Portia), Jordan Reeves (Antony), Jacques Roy (Cassius), Tom Schwans (Brutus).
  11. Enter Ophelia, distracted adapted by Kimberly Gilbert
    Taffety Punk, Capitol Hill Arts Workshop Black Box Theater, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2014. Directed by Kimberly Gilbert, Marcus Kyd, Erin F. Mitchell (Choreographer): Kimberly Gilbert (Ophelia), Eleni Grove (Ophelia), Katie Murphy (Ophelia), Erin White (Ophelia).
  12. Cry "Havoc!" by Stephan Wolfert
    Folger Theatre, Washington, D.C. April 12, 2009. Directed by Eric Tucker.
  13. The Complete Deaths of William Shakespare by William Shakespeare and Alice Stanley
    Baltimore Shakespeare Factory and Cohesion Theatre Company, St. Mary's Community Center, Baltimore, Md.
    January 16, 2016. Directed by Tom Delise and Alice Stanley: Jonas David Grey (Zombie Shakespeare), Zach Bopst, Jessica Byars, Chris Cotterman, Dominic Gladden, Melanie Glickman, Brad Norris, Katherine Vary, Tegan Williams.
  14. William Shakespeare's Long Lost First Play (abridged) by Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor
    Reduced Shakespeare Company, Folger Theatre, Washington, D.C.
    April 23, 2016. Directed by Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor: Reed Martin, Austin Tichenor, Teddy Spencer.
  15. A Fool's Paradise: 30 Shakespeare Scenes in 60 Minutes, Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, Baltimore, Md.
    June 3, 2016. Adapted and directed by Sarah Curnoles: Logan Davidson, Lisa Hodsoll, Jenna Rossman, Sabrine Sikes, Sarah Curnoles, Chris Cotterman.
  16. Kings of War, Toneelgroep Amsterdam, BAM Harvey Theater, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Novembeer 3, 2016. Directed by Ivo van Hove: Hans Kesting (Richard III), Chris Nietvelt (Elizabeth, Montjoy, Leonora), Eelco Smit (Henry VI, Grey), Ramsey Nasr (Henry V, Richmond), Aus Greidanus Jr. (Buckingham, Gloucester), Bart Slegers (York, Edward IV, Chief of Staff).
  17. Drunken Shakespeare, The Night Shift, Bar Nine, New York, N.Y. April 16, 2018.
    Hosted by Jonathan Minton: Jonathan Minton (Sir Thomas More), Patrick Harvey (Macbeth), Lucy Lavely (Portia, Brutus), Chris Diaz (Lady Macbeth), Sam Finn Cutler (Calaban), Nell Kessler (Phoebe), Ross Neal (Brutus).
  18. Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus by Taylor Mac, Booth Theatre, New York, N.Y.
    April 6, 2019. Directed by George C. Wolfe: Nathan Lane (Gary), Kristine Nielsen (Janice), Julie White (Carol), Collin Baja, Tom Berklund, Tislarm Bouie, Mark Junek, Matty Oaks (dancing corpses).
  19. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] (Again) by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield, Blackfriars Playhouse, Staunton, Virginia
    June 22, 2024. Allie Babich, Jenny Bennett, Ginna Hoben

Non-Shakespeare Productions